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Tenant Advisory Group updates

Join your local Tenant Advisory Group (TAG) and have your say. We currently have five Tenant Advisory Groups: Chatswood, Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains and YarnUp Blue Mountains.

Update from Chatswood TAG

Written by Mark Shalovsky

The Chatswood Tenant Advisory Group provides residents with the genuine opportunity to learn about and to comment on Link Wentworth Housing services, policies and procedures. This year, its work has included:

  • Receiving regular updates directly from Andrew McAnulty, the Chief Executive Officer.
  • Reviewing the new complaints handling procedures.
  • Reviewing the selection of new contractors to repair and maintain properties.
  • Receiving information about a number of community programs to assist tenants and to deal with social isolation including the scholarship program, computer courses, John Murrayโ€™s street libraries, art exhibitions and community gardening.
  • Drafting articles for the tenant newsletter including the TAG Corner columns and articles on the โ€˜Dine & Discoverโ€™ voucher program.
  • Introductions to new staff members.
  • Receiving information about the new Tenant Handbook which is being prepared following the merger.
  • Discussing new and possible future services and developments including new community housing in North Ryde and Manly, disability housing on the Northern Beaches especially for tenants suffering from cerebral palsy, youth housing in Penrith, specialist housing for older, single women at Beecroft and Mosman and aged care services.
  • Discussing the new Local Resident Groups, and much more!

There are many interesting new developments at Link Wentworth that you can learn about and contribute to. Membership can also provide other opportunities. For example, members also have the opportunity to attend conferences such as the Community Housing Conference.

Penrith, Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains Online Tenant Advisory Group Meetings

Weโ€™re pleased to say that our Penrith, Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains TAG Meetings will be held in November. Further details below.
TAG Blue Mountains
Friday 5 Nov, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Yarn Up Blue Mountains
Friday 12 Nov, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
TAG Hawkesbury
Thurs 18 Nov, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
TAG Penrith
Friday 26 Nov, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

To join any of the above meetings via Zoom, log in using the details provided in the tenant newsletter or call Vanessa on 0438 796 378. Looking forward to seeing you on the screen!

This story originally appeared in the first edition of the: Link Wentworth newsletter.