At Link Wentworth we place the customer at the centre of all we do. We are keen to hear your opinions and use customer feedback that we receive to improve our services.
We are pleased to introduce Bronwyn Smith, our new Customer Service Project Manager. Bronwyn has considerable experience managing customer feedback and has a real passion for helping achieve positive outcomes for all our customers.
Since starting her new role Bronwyn has been busy attending Tenant Advisory Group (TAG) meetings and meeting more of our tenants. Bronwyn identifies gaps in our services based on the customer feedback that we receive, recommends improvements and works with managers to implement these recommendations.
The information below has been developed to help you better access our services. If you have any issues with your
tenancy, please contact us and request a service so that we can assist you. If you are not satisfied with the service
provided, we encourage you to use the complaint process below.

If you would like to submit a complaint, appeal, compliment or give us some general feedback, please contact
Bronwyn by emailing
If you have any questions, please email or call 4777 8000 for Penrith and 9412 5111 for Chatswood.
This story originally appeared in the first edition of the: Link Wentworth newsletter.