Link Wentworth

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Insights from London

Link Wentworth’s Insights from London Study Tour

Australia is in the grips of an era-defining housing crisis. Despite increasing rates of homelessness and housing stress, there is a woeful lack of social and affordable housing supply to meet the demand.

In September 2022, we had the pleasure of touring a number of housing developments and regeneration schemes across London. With an emphasis on design, quality and density, as well as the thoughtful incorporation of outdoor space and community hubs, the developments we toured delivered a number of significant learnings on how housing can be delivered at such a large and innovative scale.

With new Federal and NSW State governments that have both signalled their willingness to address the crisis, the Australian community housing sector is at a crossroads of enormous opportunity and challenge. It’s time to seriously rethink how we scale up the long-term and large-scale delivery of housing to address the massive shortfall.

The Insights from London report outlines key learnings from the UK—a country that has many political and economic similarities to ours—and how we can apply them here in Australia, unlocking enormous potential and providing life-changing solutions to those in our society who need it the most.

Link Wentworth would like to sincerely thank and acknowledge Peabody Housing, London & Quadrant, Newlon Housing Trust and Jigsaw Homes South for their exceptional generosity and time in hosting our delegation. Their willingness to share their extensive knowledge significantly enriched our experience and learnings.

Key insights

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