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Link Wentworth’s Wellbeing Month

As the Greater Sydney lockdown continues, the Link Wentworth Communities Team is hosting an online Wellbeing Month to entertain you and keep you company during this difficult time.

Each week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, we’ll be hosting a special Zoom meeting for you to take part in. Keep reading to see the schedule.

Every Tuesday, 11am-12pm, from 6 July

Coffee and Questions with the Communities Team

Join our Communities Team to catch up over a cup of tea or coffee. It’s your chance to socialise with your fellow residents and ask any questions you may have about Link Wentworth.11am every Tuesday on Zoom.

Darren-John Martin from the Royal Botanic Gardens will join the 17th and 31st of August sessions to talk about gardening tips.

Every Wednesday, 11am-12pm, from 14 July

Digital Discoveries with Mikaela

Join Mikaela for our Digital Discoveries session. You can bring any questions you have about the digital world and/or your device and Mikaela will answer them.

Every Thursday, 11am-12pm, from 15 July

Get ‘Arty’ with Rachael

Join in with Rachael for an exciting art class. Join Rachael for a fun filled session creating art with any materials you have at home. No experience necessary.

Every Friday, 11am-12pm, from 30 July

Gentle Exercise and Relaxation with Bee Balanced

By popular demand! From Friday 30 July, we’ll be running an online gentle exercise and relaxation class every Friday at 11am, for your body and your mind.

What if I don’t know how to use Zoom?

If you’re not familiar with Zoom technology, we still encourage you to RSVP. A member of our team will talk you through the process of setting up the software and getting started.

How do I join in?

To RSVP to any of these sessions, please call 9412 5111 (Chatswood Hub) or 4777 8000 (Penrith Hub) or email

We’re looking forward to catching up!