For those who need urgent housing, we recommend calling the homeless services helpline ‘Link2Home’ on 1800 152 152 or your local Link Wentworth office. You can also visit our Homelessness Support page for more information.
What is Housing Assistance?
Link Wentworth offers a range of Housing Assistance services to people who are at risk of becoming homeless or need help to rent in the private rental market.
Most of our services are offered through the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) and can be applied for through Housing Pathways.
Link Wentworth’s Housing Solutions team at our West Ryde office can help you apply for these services. Please read about the services below or contact our Housing Solutions team on 13 14 21.
Domestic and family violence – Start Safely
Link Wentworth is committed to supporting people who are experiencing domestic and family violence.
Rent Choice Start Safely is a rental assistance program that provides rent support to those who have already left or need to leave an unsafe home due to family or domestic violence.
To be eligible to receive a Rent Choice Start Safely, you should be escaping domestic or family violence and:
- Eligible for social housing
- Homeless or at risk of homelessness
- Willing to receive support services where relevant.
View our Start Safely Fact Sheet for more information.
Private Rental Assistance
The Private Rental Subsidy is a rental assistance program that provides rent support to assist clients in accessing affordable accommodation in the private rental market, while they wait for suitable social housing to become available.
To be eligible for the Subsidy clients must meet set criteria, including:
- being approved for priority status on the NSW Housing Register
- having a recognised disability or medical condition
- being at risk in their current accommodation, which is not suitable for them to reside in while they wait for social housing.
View our Private Rental Subsidy Fact Sheet for more information.
Additional support
In addition to the above services, our team can help you access DCJ products such as Bond Extra, Rentstart Bond Loans or Advance Rent.
More information
If you have any questions or would like to apply, please contact our Housing Solutions team on 13 14 21 or email
You can read more about our Housing Solutions Team or one of the clients Lydia. We have a no wrong door policy, and we will assist anyone who attends our offices, either directly or through a referral.