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Gardening Competition

Link Wentworth’s Gardening Competition has been held each year for more than 12 years. We have so many amazing and diverse Link Wentworth gardens featuring flowers, edibles, succulents, cacti, and more.

Our annual Growing Communities Gardening Competition is supported by Community Greening, a program delivered by the Botanic Gardens of Sydney and is a partnership funded by the Department of Communities and Justice.

There are five categories you can enter:

best herb and vegetable garden
Best herb and vegetable garden
Best courtyard/ balcony garden
Best communal community or shared garden
Best communal/ community or shared garden (including Vegepod)
Best kids garden
Best kids' garden
Best general garden
Best general garden

Link Wentworth’s gardening competition encourages our residents to get their hands dirty and enjoy their outdoor spaces. This is Amanda’s story where she describes the joy and wellbeing she gets from her communal garden.