Link Wentworth’s Gardening Competition has been held each year for more than ten years and this year we are opening the competition with a new name which reflects its aim: Growing Communities Gardening Competition.
Last year, our Western Sydney and the Nepean Blue Mountains residents were introduced to the competition and we received more than 30 incredible entries from all around Sydney. We have so many amazing and diverse Link Wentworth gardens featuring flowers, edibles, succulents, cacti, and more. Kaye’s garden is a perfect example.
We also have many shared, community gardens which residents create and tend to with the help of Link Wentworth staff members and our partners such as The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney and Vegepod. In the last two years we have launched six new community gardens which have created a sense of belonging and community between residents, as well as being competition contenders.
The Gardening Competition
This year’s competition is open now and it closes on 28 October 2022. Entry is free and open to all Link Wentworth residents. We accept gardens of all types and sizes – no garden is too small!
To enter, residents can download a form here on our website and email it to with photos of the garden.
Residents who don’t have access to email or our website can request for a form to be mailed to them. Our team can also take photos of the garden. Call 13 14 21 or email
Gardening Competition prizes
Best Overall Garden – $200 gift card
Category winners – $100 gift card for each:
• Best herb and vegetable garden
• Best courtyard/balcony garden
• Best shared garden (including Vegepod)
• Best kids’ garden
• Best general garden
Read the competition Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please call 9412 5111 or email
Happy gardening!