Our CEO, Andrew McAnulty, provided commentary to the Blue Mountains Gazette about the rising cost of rentals in the region.
“Link Wentworth has two homelessness services in the Blue Mountains. Currently, we’re finding it next to impossible for our clients to obtain appropriate and affordable rental accommodation in the area.
“As a result of the pandemic, more people have seemingly started moving to the Mountains to work from home in an idyllic location, causing vacancy rates to go down while prices sky-rocketed.
“Many of our clients receive JobSeeker income, ruling them out of finding an affordable property in the Mountains. We’re not even able to help clients move out to Lithgow, an option in the past, because the situation is similar there.
“Our clients have roots in the Mountains – many have lived there for the majority of their lives. For them, it’s not about wanting to live in an idyllic location but to live where their support systems and community are. The Mountains is their home and it’s a shame to see them priced out.”